From C’est les Catskills, bien sûr! Bon Appétit!

  |  January 24, 2017

From Brushland Eating House via FB.

There couldn’t possibly be a connection between the tiny Catskill Mountain hamlet of Bovina in Delaware County and Paris, France…could there? In fact, there is a direct line from Bovina to Paris, thanks to Sarah Andelman, creative director of Colette in Paris. Andelman, who spends time in the Catskills, recently enlisted Bovina’s Brushland Eating House owners Sohail Zandi and Sara Elbert to make a pop-up restaurant at the Parisian boutique as part of Men’s Fashion Week a couple of weeks ago.

A recent article in about that Parsian/Catskills foodie connection in includes two recipes from Zandi and Elbert, just in case you haven’t had a chance to get to Brushland in Bovina yet (and you should; take a look at their menu). Whip up some Côte de Boeuf and olive oil cake and dream of the Catskills. Très bon!

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