No Car Required in Woodstock, $349,000

  |  September 3, 2014
39 millstream rd woodstock ny2

“No car needed!” is the proclamation that starts off the listing description for this one-story ranch in Woodstock. Indeed, it’s conceivable that one could make it work and still feel like living in a country home tucked away from it all. The property, which includes a half-acre of land just across the road from the Mill Stream, is but a half-mile from the center of the village and the Trailways bus that stops on Mill Hill Road. Living without a car in upstate New York is a bit on the pipedreamy side, but in Woodstock, there are places to shop and dine and see a band (although we wouldn’t necessarily say that Woodstock has a bustling nightlife. Things zip up pretty early around these parts), plus all of the Catskill Mountain trappings such as streams, mountain views, and trees galore. Even so, $350,000 is a bit steep for a 1200-square foot, 2-bed ranch, but the interior is warm and welcoming, and we like that it’s on a good-sized bit of land.

39 millstream rd woodstock ny 39 millstream rd woodstock ny3 39 millstream rd woodstock ny4 39 millstream rd woodstock ny5 39 millstream rd woodstock ny6

Beds: 2

Baths: 1

Square Feet: 1,238

Lot Size: .51 acres

Taxes: $4,824

39 Millstream Road, Woodstock (Coldwell Banker Village Green) GMAP

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