Diary of a Transplant: The Week in Pictures

  |  April 12, 2012

Despite frozen water troughs and frosted grass every mornings, signs of spring are everywhere. Here are a few that occurred this week:

Abundant egg-dying, of course, with our abundance of eggs.


We got turkey poults! Four bourbon reds from our friendly chicken farmer down the road. And yes, assuming they lose their downy delicate cuteness, we are intending to eat them. If they stay this cute, maybe not.


We visited our friends’ farm, and paid a visit to the sheep field….


… In search of a closeup of  one of these cuties:



Back home, the gorgeous, slowly-warming weather got us all outside.


Bugsy came over to say hello.


The asparagus is coming up!


And the tomato seedlings are getting big. Some of them, anyway…


Lamb shanks and white beans for dinner.

Enjoy the weekend, and hope for warmer days!

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