Endeavors to Answer the Question…

  |  December 30, 2015
new paltz dome home

Why Doesn’t Anyone Want This Rotating Upstate Home?” Good question, Gothamist. We’ve been asking ourselves the same thing for the past four years since the ubiquitous New Paltz-based dome home first appeared on the market at $1.2 million. It’s also been featured on Upstater as a rental, and occasionally, we see the listing making the rounds on social media accompanied by exclamations of “WOW!” and “Let’s buy this lol!!!1”

Meanwhile, the Gothamist also provided a video on the house, including some information on how it rotates and why. And the interior…wow. Let’s buy this lol!!!1, indeed. Check it out!

Interested in making it yours? Here’s the listing. You can also find out more about the dome builders on

About Kandy Harris

Kandy is a writer and musician/music teacher living in Saugerties, NY.

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