Some Woodstock Love for Fleischmanns

  |  January 27, 2014
skene memorial library fleischmanns

Skene Memorial Library, Fleischmanns

The Delaware County village of Fleischmanns got some good old-fashioned Woodstock-style love last week with an article in the Woodstock Times. We’ve seen the village’s potential for a while now, and many disagreed with us about it. It’s nice to see we’re not the only ones who’ve been eyeballing the town, awaiting its return to something special. The Times article mentions Bud Sife, a long-time Fleischmanns resident who is proposing to renovate the village’s 600-seat theater on Main Street. The article also touches on the village’s Hispanic community (there’s a documentary about that called Bienvenidos Fleischmanns, if you’re interested), its difficulties and successes rebuilding after flooding, and one of Fleischmanns’ most famous residents, Alfredo Santos, who painted the mural in the cafeteria at San Quentin state prison and helped Zoom Gallery get off the ground. It’s a good read. Go, Fleischmanns, go.

About Kandy Harris

Kandy is a writer and musician/music teacher living in Saugerties, NY.

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