This Week on Upstater: Tiny Towns, Big on Enchantment

  |  February 15, 2016
tripp house

Tripp House and Store Complex, Oak Hill, Greene County. Photo by Kenneth C. Zirkel via Wikipedia.

Last week’s exploration of all houses Victorian led us down the one-stoplight streets of many of our favorite hamlets and small villages in the Upstater area. As much as it pains us to reveal some of these hidden gems (completely from a selfish point of view), the Internet has forever let the cat out of the bag on them already. So, allow us to join the chorus of voices praising the cool small towns of the Hudson Valley and Catskills.

We’ll shout from the rooftops that places like Arkville, Millerton, Tivoli, and Rosendale exist in our backyard, not just because of their designated historic neighborhoods and small, independent businesses that deserve your money (for real: If you visit, stop in and spend some money in these places. It’s a win-win, but you know that). It’s the real estate that ultimately steals our hearts. After all, isn’t that why we’re here?

Join us as we take a look at the market in some of our favorite tiny towns this week on Upstater. Stay tuned…


About Kandy Harris

Kandy is a writer and musician/music teacher living in Saugerties, NY.

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