Will Fracking Fix Farming?

  |  August 20, 2012

That’s one assertion of this piece from CBS news, oddly titled “New York State to allow fracking.” It lays out the usual battle: environmental sustainability versus the instant gratification of money now, especially tempting to upstate New York farmers who are suffering from everything from recession to drought.

“On the Pennsylvania side, property owners are expected to make more than $2 billion this year leasing land to the gas drilling companies. But in New York, fracking has been on hold for four years,” they write. You know, ’cause they want to make sure it doesn’t poison the water supply and such. But one upstate New York farmer says he’s drives over the border to places that have leased mineral rights, and all looks a-ok to him.

“‘I drive to Pennsylvania and do not see a difference in the hay crop or the corn crop growing over there, just that they have a new tractor,’ John Lyons said.”



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