Work Here for $450 a Month?

  |  September 11, 2012

Well, no, you can’t sleep overnight or stay for the weekend, but apparently you can write your memoirs or perhaps paint your masterpiece in this beautiful place.

“Focus on creative work in my 130 year old historic home in Stamford NY at the top of the Catskills,” the copy reads. “Quiet, shared home & facilities. Plan to provide your own food, cook and clean for yourself. Kitchen on the ground floor; bathrooms on each floor. Furnished, not fancy, but everything necessary. There is a carport and a spacious fenced 3/4 acre back yard.”

It looks like the owner is in search of someone to pay to work there during the days, clean up and vacate in the evenings. But it’s a lot more beautiful, and a lot less expensive, than any office you’d find further south. Stamford is about three hours north of NYC.

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