Our Rental Picks: Rhinebeck and Red Hook Edition

  |  May 27, 2014

323 kansas rd rhinebeck ny

All we needed was to stumble across the above-pictured stone cottage in Rhinebeck, and our decision was made. Let’s do another rentals week. Not that we need much of an excuse. We love looking at rental properties in the HV. It gives us fodder for fantasy, yes, but without having our fantasies dashed by exorbitant property taxes. So, we went to Rhinebeck and Red Hook in Dutchess County for our picks. Why? The answer will become clear throughout the week. Rhinebeck is less than two hours north of NYC, and Red Hook is 10 minutes north of Rhinebeck. Both are known as walkable communities with a crop of beautiful homes, many on the pricey side.

About Kandy Harris

Kandy is a writer and musician/music teacher living in Saugerties, NY.

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