Reminder: Tomorrow is Election Day

  |  November 3, 2014

Don’t worry: You’ll get no politicking from us. But we will give you a friendly reminder that tomorrow, November 4, is Election Day, which is a huge relief, because we’ve had just about enough of endless campaign materials shoved into our mailboxes and non-stop robo-calls. There are 7 billion voter resources out there, just in case you don’t know what to do. In fact, if you go to Google and type in “where do it vote?”, you can plug in your address and get the location of your polling place. What a time to be alive. If you don’t know anything about the candidates for the NYS gubernatorial race or any other elected official races, will, indeed, give you the 411. Other good resources include the League of Women Voters New York, or Project Vote for all of the state ballot measures. Not sure if you’re even registered? Find out here. Still need to register? Do it here. There. Now you have no excuses. See you at the polls!

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