Rental of the Week: Manhattan Country School Farm

  |  May 29, 2013

No, it doesn’t come with a pack of private school kids from the city. But the Manhattan Country School Farm in Roxbury, NY does come with sheep, cows (yes, you can milk them), pigs and glorious countryside around which to roam. The kitchen is commercial. The vibe is casual. The bedrooms: mostly dorm rooms with bunk beds (many choose to lay the mattresses on the floor for family snuggle time). The rooms on the third floor include a double bed, and one with three single mattresses, comparatively luxurious to the second floor. Great for large groups, though you pay per person ($50, with a minimum of $500), so if you have a lot of kids in the family, it becomes expensive.

Is it worth it? When it’s pouring rain, it feels less so — the inside of the house definitely has a collegiate feel. But if the weather cooperates, it’s really a lovely spot.


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