This Week on Upstater: Revisiting New Paltz

  |  October 13, 2014
abraham hasbrouck house new paltz ny

Abraham Hasbrouck House in New Paltz’s historic Huguenot Street district

We have a confession to make: We have, on occasion, eschewed the Ulster County village of New Paltz (located in the town of New Paltz) because we’ve often felt that the both the housing prices and the property taxes are unapproachable for many of us house hunting in the Hudson Valley. But that’s unfair. New Paltz is a lovely place that we’ve explored extensively over the years. We’ve jogged and biked the Rail Trail. We’ve shopped at the Water Street Market. We’ve enjoyed sushi and Indian and live music. We’ve hiked Mohonk. We’ve marveled at the venerable architecture of the Huguenot Street Historic District. And we’ve had some good times in New Paltz. It’s full of college students (it is a college town, after all, thanks to the existence of SUNY New Paltz), artists, 9-5ers, farm people, horse people, food people, and people people. It’s convenient to the Poughkeepsie Metro North (about 15 minutes away). And the housing stock is usually fairly healthy and fun to browse through with a good mix of just about everything (village homes, farmhouse on land, historic properties, modern abodes, etc.), so we think New Paltz deserves another look. This week, we’ll be featuring at least one New Paltz property (both in the village and the town) per day. New Paltz is located west of the Hudson River about 90 minutes from NYC.


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