This Week on Upstater: Exploring Putnam County on the Hudson River

  |  November 14, 2016


Indulge us this completely unscientific experiment: Sit back, close your eyes, and picture a Hudson River hamlet. Resist the urge to assign it an identity and instead, try to imagine all the aspects of these communities that make them attractive (well-preserved historic buildings, river views, access to public transportation/commuting, walkability, etc.). Now, open your eyes and Google Image search “Putnam County Hudson River” and see if it looks similar to what you just imagined.

The 246 square mile county located in the lower Hudson Valley, east of the Hudson River, extends from the hilly Hudson Highlands in the north to the CT border to the west, bisected down the middle by the Taconic Parkway. The views from the county’s riverfront are some of the prettiest around, like the view of West Point’s imposing stone buildings from Garrison’s Landing in the town of Philipstown. Or, the view of Target Point in Orange County from the Cold Spring village waterfront. Sounds like a beautiful place to spend a week in late fall, don’t you think?

That’s why we’ll be looking at the real estate listings situated along Putnam County’s waterfront, the Hudson Highlands to the hamlet of Manitou. And we found some good ones! Stay tuned…


About Kandy Harris

Kandy is a writer and musician/music teacher living in Saugerties, NY.

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